Arts for Policy Making – conclusions by Venu Dhupa


What role should the arts and creative sectors and people active within them have in creating our future? Creative and Inclusive Finland organised a seminar called Arts for Policy Making in Helsinki, Finland, on December 11, 2017. The seminar consisted of a keynote speech by Venu Dhupa, commentary by Jyrki Kangas and three workshops.

From the fruitful discussions of the afternoon, Venu Dhupa drew eight conclusions in the form of notions, declarations or questions:

Interview with Venu Dhupa: Towards whole-system leadership


Creative people are used to living at the fringes, dealing with uncertainty and lingering between jobs, gigs or projects. They can’t lean on hierarchical structures or titles in order to get hired for the next exciting role in a movie or play. Neither can they leave their persona at home when going to work. Their identity, their brand is part of who they are – in good and bad.

NordMatch 2017 in 5 keywords

Photo: Sarah Karjalainen

On October 26–27, the 4th edition of the seminar NordMatch under the theme “Together for Inclusion” took place at the Arcada University of Applied Sciences (UAS) in Helsinki, Finland. This major event was organized mainly by Creative and Inclusive Finland, a program that funds projects and promotes the employment of people in cultural and creative sectors and the inclusion of youth through the learning of new skills.