1983 / Heinola / painting



In spring 2014, I moved my workspace to the Roihuvuori Comprehensive Service Centre for the elderly. I work mainly in the group home for elderly dementia patients. I use the matron’s office as my studio, where I can paint and observe the residents’ daily life from close quarters. As I write this, the project is yet in its early stages. A group of residents regularly convenes in my studio for discussions, which serve as inspiration for my paintings. My work takes its cue from my thoughts on colour, life and the significance of painting.


Soon after I started painting in Roihuvuori, I ran into one of the residents in the corridor, and he started talking to me about elk hunting, asking if I was a hunter too. I woke up in the middle of the night with the idea of painting an image of a hunting vest. 


Information of the work:

Hunting Vest | 2014 | Acrylic on canvas | 90 x 60 cm