1986 | Vantaa | time and space
Excercises for a Sensitive Voice
Speak in a tone that was in this room before you.
Speak in a tone that you have forgotten but remember again when you kneel down.
Speak in a tone you couldn`t afford to.
Speak in a tone of a romance.
Speak in a tone of a difference between your mother and father.
Speak in a tone of not-knowing.
Speak in a tone that they expect from you and then, slowly, start undressing.
Speak in a tone that is only for you.
Speak in a tone that touches their elbows and leaves them sleepless.
Speak in a tone that you had in your dream last night.
Speak in a tone that you had last night.
Speak in a tone of a thing.
Speak in a tone of a free mind.
Speak without a tone.
Speak in a tone that separates you from your left-hand thumb.
Speak in a tone that your thumb owes you.
Speak in a tone of which you`re not quite sure if it really was you.
Speak in a tone that has the smell of your graduation spring.
Speak in a tone that will save you.
Speak in a tone that then fails in it.
Speak in a tone that doesn`t make a difference, but which is a difference in itself.
Speak in a tone that hides it.