Tanssin merkitys yhteiskunnallisessa muutoksessa

onsdag, februari 10, 2016 - 17:00 till 19:00
Musiikkitalon auditorio, Mannerheimintie 13 A, Helsinki
Typ av evenemang: 
Fritt inträde

Avoin paneelikeskustelu: Tanssin merkitys yhteiskunnallisessa muutoksessa – Erilaisuuden suvaitsemisesta kohti erilaisuuden juhlaa 

Keskiviikkona 10.2. klo 17-19, Musiikkitalon auditoriossa, Helsingissä, vapaa pääsy.

Uusiseelantilaisista tutkijavieraista koostuva paneeli pohtii, miten tanssin kautta oppiminen voisi auttaa erilaisuuden käsittelyssä monikulttuurisissa yhteisöissä. Keskustelu käydään englanniksi. Paneelin järjestää Taideyliopiston koordinoima ArtsEqual-hanke (www.artsequal.fi), joka tutkii kuinka taide julkisena palveluna voisi lisätä yhteiskunnallista tasa-arvoa ja hyvinvointia.



This panel discusses the role of dance learning within social transformation. In a rapidly changing world, issues of multiculturalism and acculturation are vital points of discussion when seeking to create more tolerant and integrated communities. The panellists explore the role dance learning can play to allow for a celebration of differences within diverse communities. Through sharing reflections on policy and practice and (dis)connections between learners, communities and cultures, the presentation seeks to provoke and reveal insights of how dance as a form of social transformation is experienced in various cultural contexts around the globe.



Associate Professor Ralph Buck
Ralph, Head of Dance Studies, University of Auckland, has been recognised with several teaching and leadership awards. His research and teaching has been presented around the world and in leading research journals and books. His work with the World Alliance for Arts Education and UNESCO draws attention to potential roles of dance as a dynamic agent for change within security, health and education concerns.


Associate Professor Nicholas Rowe
Nicholas graduated from the Australian Ballet School and worked with The Finnish National Ballet, Australian Ballet, Sydney Dance Company, Royal New Zealand Ballet, Nomad Dance Theatre and Modern Dance Turkey. His books include Art, during siege (2004), Raising Dust: A cultural history of dance in Palestine (2010), Moving Oceans: Celebrating dance in the South Pacific (2013), Talking Dance: Contemporary histories from the Southern Mediterranean (2014) and Talking Dance: Contemporary histories from the South China Sea (2015). His films include The Secret World (2009). Nicholas holds a PhD in Dance Studies from the University of Kent at Canterbury, and is currently an Associate Professor in Dance Studies at the University of Auckland.


Dr Rose Martin
Rose is a Senior Lecturer in Dance Studies, University of Auckland. Rose was a dancer with the Royal New Zealand Ballet, and has extensive experience in research and teaching in the Middle East. She is the co-author of Talking dance: Contemporary histories from the Southern Mediterranean (2014) and author of Women, dance and revolution (2016). Rose holds a PhD from the University of Auckland. Her research interests include dance ethnography, international education and cross-cultural dance education.¯