Inside, Outside, and in Between: Institutionalization in Music History
Welcome to the Fifth Sibelius Academy Symposium on Music History!
June 6—8, 2018
The Fifth Sibelius Academy Symposium on Music History focuses on the importance of musical institutions and institutionalization. The symposium has chosen to focus on issues relating to the cultural control and cultural norms that have been—and still are—established by musical institutions.
The organizing committee:
Vesa Kurkela (chair) / Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki
Anastasia Belina-Johnson / London Royal College of Music, GB
Mark Everist / University of Southampton, GB
Anne Kauppala / Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki
Markus Mantere / Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki & The Finnish Musicological Society
Derek Scott / University of Leeds, GB
Kaarina Kilpiö (conference secretary) / Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts Helsinki