What is this all about?
What is Creative and Inclusive Finland?
Creative and Inclusive Finland is the umbrella over ESF-funded projects that advance the employment of people in the culture and creative sectors and promote the inclusion of youth though the learning of new skills. Our goal is to create an impact in society through the increased utilisation of creative skills and methods of active inclusion.
We support national and cross-sectional projects in different phases and tasks in order for them to make a lasting impact. We connect to existing networks and create new platforms for collaboration regionally, nationally and internationally. We gather and disperse information and work as a small news agency for a creative and inclusive Finland.
What does Creative and Inclusive Finland do?
Supports projects on creative expertise and skills for inclusion
Supports projects on creative expertise and skills for inclusion
We support with concrete measures projects that relate to the national themes of Creative Expertise and Skills for Inclusion, realised with funding from the European Social Fund (ESF).
- Developing ongoing projects
- Organising seminars, workshops and network events
- Advancing the self-assessment of projects
- Strengthening communications on and visibility of the project activities
- Increasing the impacts of the project work
You will find more information on the ongoing projects here.
You will find more information on the upcoming events and workshops here.
Activates and supports
Activates and supports
We activate and support operators in the field in connection with project applications related to the Creative Expertise and Skills for Inclusion theme packages.
- Organising project workshops and briefings
- Guiding and developing project ideas together with operators in the field
- Strengthening networks among project partners
You will find more information on ESF funding and the national measures on the themes of Creative Expertise and Skills for Inclusion here.
Disperses information
Disperses information
We disperse information actively.
- Gathering and dispersing information in the sphere of creative and inclusive expertise
- Publishing reports and studies relating to the field
- Maintaining regular contact with a broad stakeholder network
- Providing information on funding possibilities and ESF funding.
You will find more information on funding here.
Download reports and guides relating to the field here.
Creates and strengthens networks
Creates and strengthens networks
We create and strengthen networks that enhance national activities in the sphere of creative expertise and skills for inclusion.
- Supporting the operation of the network of educational institutions
- Strengthening the network of municipal and regional developers
- Creating regional networks
Who are we?
The administrator of Creative and Inclusive Finland is University of the Arts Helsinki.
The partners are:
City of Helsinki
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Luckan – The Finland-Swedish Information and Cultural Centre in Helsinki
and the Cities of Seinäjoki and Oulu.
The project is administered by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture and it is financed by the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for Häme.