
Download a pdf version of the program.

This version was updated June 4, 2018, and it is the final version.


Wed  Thu  Fri


Wednesday, June 6



11–11:30    Welcome AddressMain Foyer

Lauri Väkevä, Vice Rector, Uniarts Helsinki

Symposium organizing team


11:30–13    Keynote 1 / Auditorium (speaker presented by Derek Scott)     

Avra Xepapadakou: Towards the Institutionalization of Musical Life in Nineteenth-Century Greece and Southeastern Europe


13–14:30    Lunch break    




Session 1a, Music-making and social ideologies / Auditorium

Chair: Vesa Kurkela (Uniarts Helsinki, FI)        



Beitāne, Anda (Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music, LV): The Institutionalization of Traditional Music in Latvia


Hsu, Hsin-Wen (Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, TW): From Hidden Tradition to DIY Culture to National Intangible Cultural Heritage: The Institutionalization of Pelimanni Music in Postwar Finland


Torvinen, Juha (Sibelius Academy, Uniarts Helsinki, FI): Institutionalization of Modernism from the Spirit of Fascism? Thoughts on Music and Serialism in Post-WWII Finland CANCELLED



Session 1b, Colonialist histories / S3101

Chair: Janne Lahti (U of Helsinki, FI)


Larsen, Juliane (University of Latin American Integration, BR): Coloniality in the institutionalization of Brazilian art music in the 19th century CANCELLED


Petrozzi, Clara (independent scholar, FI): Institutionalization, Music Cultures and Interculturalism in Peru


Pang, Irene (independent scholar, HK): Music as a Mirror: Semi-colonial Ideology in the Early History of the Shanghai Municipal Orchestra



Session 1c, Disciplining classical music in 18th and 19th century France: Paris Conservatory / Terrace Foyer

Chair: Mark Everist (U of Southampton, GB)        


Zoellers, Hagan (U of Cincinnati, US): Discipline and Punish: Foucault and the Paris Conservatoire


Tyrväinen, Helena (U of Helsinki, FI): 'Excellent pupil, much future.' The Paris Conservatoire teachers' remarks on their pupils, end of 19th century


Nimeroski, Ellie (Orpheus Institute, BE): Avoir de l'archet: The 1795 Conservatoire de Paris and the Institutionalizing of a Playing Style


16–16.30 coffee break / Main Foyer




Session 2a, Music management and unions / Auditorium

Chair: Martin Cloonan (U of Turku, FI)        


Łopatowska-Romsvik, Dagmara (Jagiellonian University, PL): The role of the concert bureaus in musical life of Kristiania in the first decades of the 20th century


Trümpi, Fritz (U of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, AT): Institutionalizing musicians' professional interests: Musicians' associations in the late Austro-Hungarian Empire


Palmer, Fiona M. (Maynooth University, IE): Dan Godfrey Junior and Bournemouth's Municipal Orchestra before 1914



Session 2b, Festivals and events 1 / S3101

Chair: Tanja Johansson (Uniarts Helsinki, FI)        


Ahmedaja, Ardian (U of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, AT): The National Folklore Festival in Albania as a Musical Institution


Hottinen, Merja (U of Helsinki, FI): Institutionalizing the unexpected - contemporary music festivals in Finland from 1980s to 2010s


Gaupp, Lisa (U of Lüneburg, DE): Standardizing diversity at "world music" festivals CANCELLED



Session 2 c, Canonising composers / Terrace Foyer

Chair: Lauri Suurpää (Uniarts Helsinki, FI)


Hilzinger, Dorothea (U of the Arts Berlin, DE): The Institutional Promotion of British Composers at the Beginning of the 20th Century: "The Royal College of Music Patron's Fund"


Perry, Frankie (U of London, GB): Canonising late and early Mahler: sentimentality, authenticity, and 'historically informed' arrangements and completions


Hong, Ding (Shanghai U, CN)Institutionalizing Composition in Modern China: Context and Path


19–20 City reception / Empire Hall, Aleksanterinkatu 20

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Thursday, June 7




Session 3a, Performing the nation and displaying power / Terrace Foyer

Chair: Anastasia Belina (London Royal College of Music, GB)


Kim, Svetlana (U of Lumière Lyon II, FR): From Barbarism to Enlightenment. The institutionalization of the Russian musical theatre during the 18th century


Strumbl, Melanie (U of Bern, CH): Institutionalization Processes under Guido Adler. The International Exhibition of Music and Theater 1892 and Its Influence on the Founding of the Musicology Department in Vienna


Rotter-Broman, Signe (U of the Arts Berlin, DE): International exhibitions and urban musical institutions: The case of the General Arts and Industries Exhibition at Stockholm in 1897


Kirby, Sarah (U of Melbourne, AU): 'A mystery, and viewless, Even when present': Exhibiting Music at International Exhibitions in Nineteenth-Century Britain



Session 3b, Disciplinary history of music / Auditorium

Chair: Markus Mantere (Uniarts Helsinki, FI)


Ignacz, Adam (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HU): Institutionalizing Music Sociology and Popular Music Studies in Socialist Hungary


Van Langen, Petra (independent scholar, NL): Catholicism and the institutionalization of Music History


Chamczyk, Ewa (U of Warsaw, PL): Apolinary Kątski and 'His' Warsaw Music Institute CANCELLED


Krahn, Carolin (U of Vienna, AT): Not just for the love of music: Italian conservatories as a stimulus for the rise of German Tonkunst


11–11:30 coffee break / Main Foyer


11:30–13 Keynote 2 / Auditorium (speaker presented by Kari Kallioniemi)

Stan Hawkins: Institutionalizing Cosmopolitanism and White Masculinity: Dandyism in Popular Music


13–14:30 Lunch break




Session 4a, Constructing knowledge and establishing tradition(s) / Auditorium

Chair: Mark Everist (U of Southampton, GB)


Kanno, Mieko (Sibelius Academy, Uniarts Helsinki, FI): Institutionalising Musical Craftsmanship


Vanelli, Lorenzo (U of Bologna, IT): Blues Legacies: the construction of Tradition in the work of John and Alan Lomax


Asimov, Peter (U of Cambridge, GB): Making the Encyclopédie de la musique: Lavignac, the Conservatoire, and the project of institutionalizing knowledge


Session 4b, Musical genres and styles, 20th century / Terrace Foyer

Chair: Anne Kauppala (Uniarts Helsinki, FI)


Van den Buys, Kristin (Erasmus University College Brussels, BE): The rise, climax and decline (1920–1936) of modernist music in concert organizations in Brussels and its revival (1936–1940) at the National Radio Belgian Broadcasting Institute


Moro Vallina, Daniel (U Internacional de La Rioja & U of Oviedo, SP): From Serialism to Mobile Form. The Institutionalization of Avant-Garde in Madrid and its Influence on the Aesthetics of the Generation of 51


Perry, Mark (Oklahoma State University, US): "Disco Sucks": The Decline and fall of Disco Music


Session 4c, Festivals and events 2 / S3101

Chair: Derek Scott (U of Leeds, GB)        


Reimann, Heli (Sibelius Academy, Uniarts Helsinki, FI): The practices of Soviet cultural governance: the example of Tallinn 67 jazz festival


Farnsworth, Brandon (U of Music Carl Maria von Weber Dresden, DE): Theory vs. Practice? Understanding a Silent Revolution in German Art Music Festivals (it's already happened, but nobody's noticed yet)


Rantanen, Saijaleena (Sibelius Academy, Uniarts Helsinki, FI): The song festivals of the Finnish labour movement as musical and ideological mediators in the 1910s


16–16:30  coffee break / Main Foyer




Session 5a, Writing history from institutional perspective / Auditorium

Chair: Anastasia Belina (London Royal College of Music, GB)


Yıldız Şenürkmez, Kıvılcım (Istanbul Kultur University Arts and Design Faculty, TR): Institutionalization Models in Classical Music in the Ottoman Empire and Republican Turkey from cultural and historical perspectives


Lindelof, Anja (U of Roskilde, DK): On (neglected) Music Institutions CANCELLED


Kvalbein, Astrid (Norwegian Academy of Music, NO): Institutionalizing contemporary music in Norway: From Pauline Hall to the Ultima festival



Session 5b, Domestication and funding / Organo

Chair: Irene Pang (independent scholar, HK)


Petrovic, Gabriela (U of Vienna, AT): The institution of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra


Heikkinen, Olli (Sibelius Academy, Uniarts Helsinki, FI): Domestication of symphony orchestra institution – Case Finland, neoinstitutional perspective


Frankel, Lauren (independent scholar, US): The Ensemble as Institution: Funding New Music in the U.S.



Session 5c, Questioning career paths / S3101

Chair: Martin Cloonan (U of Turku, FI)    


Navon, Joshua (Columbia U, US): Conservatories and Nineteenth-Century Music Historiography: Pedagogy, Transformation, Reproduction


Koivisto, Nuppu (U of Helsinki, FI): Salons, conservatories, variety shows: Finnish women musicians and cultural institutions, 1850-1918


Välimäki Susanna (U of Turku, FI): Genderfluid fin-de- siècle: Feminist and queer reflections on Finnish art music, gender and canon formation



19:30 Symposium dinner / The Suomenlinna Officers' Club


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Friday, June 8


9–10:30 Keynote 3 / Auditorium (speaker presented by Vesa Kurkela)

Jim Samson: Institutionalizing Music Theory: Two Historical Moments


10:30–11 coffee break / Main Foyer




Session 6a, Music mediation and social mission / S3101

Chair: Tuire Kuusi (Uniarts Helsinki, FI)   


Michelsen, Morten (U of Copenhagen, DK): Radio's Contributions to the Interbellum Institutionalization of Musical Life


Korkalainen, Samuli (Sibelius Academy, Uniarts Helsinki, FI): The institutional process of improving Finnish Lutheran church music in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries


Pennanen Risto Pekka (U of Tampere, FI): Military Bands in Service of the Habsburg 'Civilising Mission' in Sarajevo, 1878-1918: Platzmusik and Promenade Concert as Examples



Session 6b, Political steering and its consequences / Auditorium

Chair: Veijo Murtomäki (Uniarts Helsinki, FI)    


Gan-Quesada, Germán (U Autònoma de Barcelona, SP): For the sake of a 'true' national music. Musical composition and Cultural Politics during the early Francoism: the National Music Prize (1939-1959)


Staneviciute, Ruta (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, LT): Baltic Musicological Conferences: Cultural Mission and Political Machinery


Kelly, Elaine (U of Edinburgh, GB): Orchestras versus the State: Institutions, Power, and Foreign Policy in the early German Democratic Republic



12:30–14 lunch break  


14–15:30 Final session / Auditorium

Chair: Derek Scott (U of Leeds, GB)

Discussion, planning the theme of the 2020 symposium, and conclusion

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