Jaana Ristola

Of Power and Compassion

Most of all, our bodies are material. The body is an object and an instrument. It’s a starting point – from I to elsewhere and back again, referring to me.

It’s my own. To bend, to accelerate, to increase and to erect. Movement must be primary.

And limits. An object happens in its limits. It is its exterior attracting attention. Lust fixates on the surface, holding the limit. Defining the limit. That kind. My kind. My colour and my shape.

But each object is perfectly normal. And there is no sense to separate you from me.

“The dawn is just: it stretches equally from one edge to another. – It’s a common condition: not of measured spaces, though all spacings are equal, all in the same light. Equality is the condition of bodies. What’s more common than bodies?” (Jean-Luc Nancy, Corpus, 1992)