Maija Kivi

1984 Espoo

I browse through hundreds of pictures to get in contact with an emotion which I cannot even accurately define. I love drawing. It is as if I were momentarily able to reach the world of my childhood by keeping myself busy. The work goes well, and it removes the vague feeling of guilt caused by inactivity. I wish I would never have to return. The days of frustration, when I was (once again) planning to change careers, are long gone. I cannot stand my own thoughts at those times; they attack me immediately when I am trying to concentrate. Sometimes art feels more like a sickness. Today I will let work fill every empty hole in me.

If you wish to move forward, you need to trust the irrational. You must embrace the whims that just seem right.

I enjoy things that are quite banal; splatter games and fantasy films. There is a sense of childishness in what I do, and this is also something that I cherish in myself. Nostalgia is tragic, as you can never go back to your childhood. I like beautiful and terrible things, which often encompass each other. I also think that it is dangerous to glamorize innocence. Children are cruel in their innocence.