Exercise 2a
[inter'valli di 'kwarta]
Intervalli di quarta
Fourth intervals
['laʃa il 'lido e il 'mare in'fido]
Lascia il lido, e il mare infido
Leaves the shore, and the treacherous sea
[a sol'kar 'torna il nok'kjɛro]
a solcar torna il nocchiero,
to plough returns the coxswain
[e pur sa ke mentsoŋ'ŋɛro]
e pur sa che menzognero
and still he knows that the traitor
['altre 'volte lingan'no]
altre volte
has betrayed him before.
The coxswain leaves the shore to
ploughs the treacherous
waves again knowing that the sea has
betrayed him before.